Alternative Medicine

Written by Bytch at
What is Alternative Medicine – FAQ and list of Alternative Medicines
There are many different types of alternative medicine, which can be defined as any medical practices that are not considered to be part of mainstream Western medicine. Here is a list of some common types of alternative medicine:
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Acupressure: a traditional Chinese medical practice similar to acupuncture, but using pressure instead of needles on specific points on the body. Read more about Acupressure
Acupuncture: a traditional Chinese medical practice in which fine needles are inserted into specific points on the body to treat a variety of conditions. Read more about Acupuncture
Alexander Technique: a method that involves learning to improve posture and movement patterns to relieve stress and tension and improve overall well-being. Read more about Alexander Technique
Activated charcoal cleanse
Affirmative prayer
Alternative cancer treatments
Animal-Assisted Therapy: can provide a sense of comfort and emotional support to individuals who may be struggling with physical or mental health challenges. Read more about Animal Assisted Therapy
Anthroposophical medicine
Art Therapy
Asahi Health
Attachment therapy
Autogenic training
Ancient Egyptian Medicine: is based on the belief that the gods were responsible for both health and disease. Read more about Ancient Egyptian Medicine
Aquatherapy: a form of physical therapy that uses water to assist in the rehabilitation and treatment of various medical conditions. Read more about Aquatherapy
Aromatherapy: the use of essential oils from plants to promote healing and well-being. Read more about Aromatherapy
Ayurveda: a traditional Indian system of medicine that focuses on maintaining balance in the body and using herbs and other natural remedies to treat illness. Read more about Ayurveda
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Bach Flower Remedies: a system of treatment that uses highly diluted plant extracts to balance the emotional well-being of the patient. Read more about Bach Flower Remedies
Biofeedback: a technique that involves using sensors to help people become more aware of their own bodily functions (such as heart rate and muscle tension) and learn to control them to promote healing and relaxation. Read more about Biofeedback
Bates method
Bioresonance therapy
Blood irradiation therapies
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Chelation therapy: a treatment that involves the use of chelating agents to remove heavy metals and minerals from the body. Read more about Chelation therapy
Chinese food therapy
Chinese herbology
Chinese martial arts
Chinese medicine
Chinese pulse diagnosis
Chiropractic: a system of medicine that focuses on the relationship between the body’s structure (primarily the spine) and its function, and uses spinal adjustments and other techniques to treat a variety of conditions. Read more about Chiropractic
Craniosacral therapy: a practice that involves gentle manipulation of the skull and spine to improve the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and alleviate a range of conditions. Read more about Craniosacral therapy
Cinema therapy
Coding Therapy
Coin rubbing
Colloidal silver therapy
Colon cleansing
Creative visualization
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Dance therapy
Detoxification: is the process of removing toxins from the body. Toxins can come from a variety of sources, including the environment and diet. Read more about Detoxification
Dietary supplements
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Energy healing: a range of practices that aim to restore balance to the body’s energy systems, such as reiki and qigong. Read more about Energy healing
Ear candling
Eclectic medicine
Equine-assisted therapy
Energy medicine
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Feldenkrais Method: a system of movement and exercise that aims to improve flexibility and coordination and reduce tension and stress. Read more about Feldenkrais Method
Feng shui: is an ancient Chinese philosophy that is concerned with the arrangement and balance of the natural and built environment. Read more about Feng shui
Five elements
Flower essence therapy
Faith healing
Functional medicine
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
German New Medicine
Grinberg Method
Gua sha
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Hatha yoga
Hawaiian massage
Holistic medicine
Home remedies
Herbal medicine: the use of plant-derived substances to treat a variety of conditions. Read more about Herbal medicine
Homeopathy: a system of medicine that uses highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Read more about Homeopathy
Hypnotherapy: the use of hypnosis (a state of relaxation and heightened suggestibility) to treat a variety of conditions and change behaviors. Read more about Hypnotherapy
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Iridology: a practice that involves analyzing the iris (the colored part of the eye) to diagnose and treat health conditions. Read more about Iridology
Introspection rundown
Isolation tank
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Kinesiology: a practice that uses muscle testing to assess the body’s imbalances and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment approaches. Read more about Kinesiology
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Laughter therapy:is a form of alternative therapy that uses humor and laughter as a way to improve physical and emotional health. Read more about Laughter therapy
Light therapy
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Magnetic therapy: the use of magnets to promote healing and reduce pain. Read more about Magnetic therapy
Massage therapy: the use of touch to manipulate the soft tissues of the body to promote healing and relaxation. Read more about Massage therapy
Meditation: a practice that involves focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to increase awareness and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. Read more about Meditation
Macrobiotic lifestyle
Manual lymphatic drainage
Mega-vitamin therapy
Mind–body intervention
Martial arts
Medical intuition
Myofascial release
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Naturopathy: a system of medicine that emphasizes the use of natural remedies and the body’s own healing abilities to treat illness. Read more about Naturopathy
Natural therapies
Nature therapy
New thought
Neuro-linguistic programming
Nutritional supplements
Nutritional therapy: the use of diet and supplements to support the healing and optimal function of the body. Read more about Nutritional therapy
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Osteopathy: a system of medicine that focuses on the musculoskeletal system and the body’s natural healing abilities, and uses a range of techniques including spinal manipulation to treat a variety of conditions. Read more about Osteopathy
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Postural Integration
Pranic healing
Psychic surgery
Pilates:is a form of exercise that focuses on strengthening the core muscles and improving overall flexibility and coordination. Read more about Pilates
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Quantum healing
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Reflexology: a practice that involves applying pressure to specific points on the feet, hands, or ears to promote healing and relaxation in the corresponding parts of the body. Read more about Reflexology
Reiki: is based on the belief that the practitioner is able to channel healing energy into the recipient through their hands. Read more about Reiki
Recreational Therapy
Rolfing Structural Integration
Rosen Method
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Salt Therapy
Siddha medicine
Sound therapy
Spiritual mind treatment
Structural Integration
Support groups
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Transcendental meditation : is a simple and natural form of meditation that has been practiced for thousands of years. Read more about Transcendental meditation
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): a system of medicine that originated in
T’ai chi ch’uan
Tantra massage
Tao yin
Thai massage
Therapeutic touch
Tibetan eye chart
Traditional Korean medicine
Traditional Japanese medicine
Traditional Mongolian medicine
Traditional Tibetan medicine
Trager approach
Trigger point
Tui na
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Unani medicine
Urine therapy
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Vaginal steaming
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Water cure therapy
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Yoga: a practice that involves physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation, and is often used for stress management and overall well-being. Read more about Yoga
Ashtanga vinyasa yoga
Bikram yoga
Hatha yoga
Iyengar yoga
Kundalini yoga
Siddha yoga
Sivananda yoga
Tantric yoga
Vinyasa yoga
Yoga Therapy
Daoyin Taoist Yoga
Alternative and Complementary medicine and practices beginning
Zang fu
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