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Written by Bytch at

What is Psychography ?

Psychography, also known as “automatic writing,” is a form of psychic communication in which a person is said to be able to produce written words without consciously controlling the movement of their hand. The belief is that the words are being written by a spirit or some other supernatural force, rather than the person themselves.

There are many different interpretations of psychography and how it works. Some people believe that the person’s hand is being guided by the spirit, while others believe that the person is channeling the spirit’s thoughts and words directly onto the page. Some people even believe that the spirit is writing through the person’s hand using a form of telekinesis.

Psychography has a long history, with some people claiming to have received messages from spirits as far back as ancient Egypt. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, psychography became a popular activity in spiritualist circles, with many people claiming to be able to produce messages from the spirits of deceased loved ones.


Some people may turn to psychography as a way to communicate with the spirits of deceased loved ones …

However, psychography has also been the subject of much skepticism and debate. Many scientists and skeptics argue that there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of psychography, and that it is likely a form of self-deception or trickery. Some people argue that the words produced through psychography are simply the result of the person’s own unconscious thoughts and memories, rather than any sort of supernatural communication.

Despite the controversy surrounding psychography, it continues to be a topic of interest for many people. Some people may turn to psychography as a way to communicate with the spirits of deceased loved ones, while others may be drawn to it as a form of spiritual exploration or personal growth. Regardless of one’s belief in its validity, psychography remains a fascinating and mysterious phenomenon.



  1. What is psychography?

Psychography, also known as spirit writing or automatic writing, is a form of alleged psychic ability in which a person claims to be able to produce written messages from a spiritual or supernatural source. This is usually done by holding a pen or pencil and allowing the hand to be guided by an external force, supposedly resulting in the production of written messages or drawings.

  1. Is psychography a scientifically recognized ability?

Psychography is not a scientifically recognized ability, and there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that it is possible to produce written messages or drawings through spiritual or supernatural means.

  1. How is psychography used?

Psychography is often used as a means of communication with spirits or deceased loved ones, and it is sometimes practiced by mediums or psychics who claim to be able to connect with the spiritual realm. Some people may also use psychography as a form of divination, seeking guidance or insight from a spiritual source.

  1. Is psychography considered a reliable method of communication?

Psychography is not considered a reliable method of communication, and there is no scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. Many experts believe that the messages produced through psychography are the result of the unconscious thoughts and desires of the person producing them, rather than any external or supernatural source.

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